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New changes today. All about $

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medal 5000
3 years 194 days ago
Nobody crying. Appreciate it being free but just get advertisers for costs like the rest of the gaming creators.

We are just baked off at the token system being so one way and exceeding reasonable cost levels of play. The cost for Drivers and Staff if you want to use your facilities is now ridiculous.

Also why don't i get any tokens back for selling Staff or Drivers on? The buyer has to pay with tokens but the seller doesn't get them, they just get swallowed up by the system..

And just what is there to do once Level 20 is reached. It gets stuck in a loop of not much to do.. Can we at least get that increased to Level 50? Not much longevity otherwise..
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago
If i want to buy a Motorsport Manager game then I buy Motorsport Manager. For when i want to play for an hour or two..

This is a lite browser game, only popular because its FREE and works in your browser.

Even made into a 3D version. But still broken..

Its broken engine needs fixing before you get to exploit it with us surely..

Are you hoping to retire off the back of this one game alone Jack?  Good luck...
medal 5069
3 years 193 days ago (Last edited by Archie Bald 3 years 193 days ago)
If i want to buy a Motorsport Manager game then I buy Motorsport Manager. For when i want to play for an hour or two..

This is a lite browser game, only popular because its FREE and works in your browser.

Even made into a 3D version. But still broken..

Its broken engine needs fixing before you get to exploit it with us surely..

Are you hoping to retire off the back of this one game alone Jack?  Good luck...

No one is forcing you to play the game to be honest. Since it’s no longer ‘free’ as you claim, why not go buy that MM?

Is the game perfect? Heck no.
Is it the best in the category? Hell yeah and by a long shot.
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago
I absolutely have not much of theorical understanding to say about this. Indeed i paid only once for a construction speedup. Indeed as well including me had been warned about the big changes, but i had been completely off the paddock for perhaps 2 or 3 months to forge my HQ.

We all want that 5 stars all corner don't we? That was indeed my plan to the racing team's core, the drivers which are planned after i got those stars on my HQ. Very unfortunate that one driver i had kept got purged away due to this. Additionally, the prices after the changes are waaay more expensive than one instantly forges one of the HQ's corner perhaps even two not to mention the transfer market. The obtainability of the sections alone is darn long to spend and now even longer with the best qualities. Good to know that everyone will have their academy (at least virtually) to extract the most of their team as pretty much big teams out there in real world. But to know avail a game is still just a game that is won through every extraction of its mechanics, a reason why one is called gamer and not money spender. A game's fun is by playing it not buying the fun for it. That said as well, it doesn't necessarily have to fully implementing real life so what differs the two then?

Well i am sorry to say this but isn't it hurtful to give everything you got for a massive ammount of times through highs and lows to earn something compared to seeing the other people who effortlessly earn many things just by cashing in? For merely just a game???
medal 4758
3 years 193 days ago

Also why don't i get any tokens back for selling Staff or Drivers on? The buyer has to pay with tokens but the seller doesn't get them, they just get swallowed up by the system..

I think they've already addressed this point. People were abusing this system and creating artificial bidding wars (using a second account to bid against a legitimate bidder in order to inflate the price and gain massive amounts of tokens).

There are some niggling problems with this update but in my view nothing as big as what people are moaning about.

It does seem to me that although Jack said prices were scaled to manager level, this may not be the case (as many people who are mid level are still suggesting to me T20 drivers still cost 50tokens), but again, the Transfer Market is there and the devs have hinted this will be updated to make it easier for mid-low level managers to obtain T20 drivers. I hope that's the case.

My only gripe with this update unfortunately, as with all major updates I have experienced, is the implementation and bug testing of them. We need a bigger team of bug testers to thoroughly iron out any bugs before they get into the public arena of the game.

What I would suggest for those that are moaning is; why don't you offer your services as game testers instead of b*tching about it after the fact? That way you can do some good for the game, the community at large and probably have your say in an environment more condusive to your wants.

And if the devs aren't looking for more bug testers/beta testers, I kinda think it is needed to be fair. Either that or you need to shake up your current testers!
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago
Turged into a buy token game such a shame I'm off silly owners you have just upset loads of players
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago
I can’t understand how some people don’t see the issue here. 

By making these incredibly high prices the imbalance between paying users and not paying users will be too big. The scouted and very expensive drivers are far better than anything available on the market. Therefore if I don’t pay I won’t be able to remain competitive against those who do

That in its very essence is the definition of pay per win game 

How is it that hard to understand?

The greatest greatness of this game was precisely that paying did not buy you significant advantage (particularly in the highest tiers) and now this pricing change makes that the opposite. 

Pay per win. Just like Top Eleven. Just like any other game 
medal 5144 Super Mod
3 years 193 days ago

I understand your reasoning but IMO it's flawed because you're taking one element of the recent updates in isolation but conveniently ignoring all the other changes which balance the increased driver cost,

In the previous system, for lower level teams it didn't cost just 15 tokens to employ a high talent driver from the academy, in reality it cost a lot more because with a low level academy you would first need to spend many tokens scouting drivers before you got lucky and generated one with a high talent. That scouting is now free.

A good driver will remain competitive for a year or more. In that time your sponsors will have given you nearly a thousand tokens absolutely free of charge.

People keep quoting 50 tokens, but this is only for a T20 driver. Lower talent drivers (which is what lower level academies tend to generate) are significantly cheaper whereas previously it was 15 tokens for a driver of any talent level.

The increased cost in the driver academy has been balanced by an increase in availability and reduction in cost to employ good quality staff who are equally as important when building a winning team.

Jack assures us the market revamp will also be a better and more cost effective experience. (Although whatever he does will be met with criticism)

I genuinely don't believe you can isolate one change without taking into consideration all of the recent updates.

The only real issue I can see with the hike in costs for T20 drivers is what I mentioned earlier in this thread but was better explained by Frits...
... The high token cost for T20 drivers may put a stop to L20 managers helping out enthusiastic newbies. But even this will probably still happen but at a reduced frequency because instead of having enough tokens to donate a driver every 5 races it is now 15 races.

In summary... iGP is no more pay2win than it was before the updates. It's more a case of pay to accelerate your development but when you get to high levels it doesn't matter how much real money you spend you're going to struggle to beat the best managers (who most likely pay nothing to play the game).
medal 4987 Moderator
3 years 193 days ago (Last edited by Frank Thomas 3 years 193 days ago)
I can’t understand how some people don’t see the issue here. 

By making these incredibly high prices the imbalance between paying users and not paying users will be too big. The scouted and very expensive drivers are far better than anything available on the market. Therefore if I don’t pay I won’t be able to remain competitive against those who do

That in its very essence is the definition of pay per win game 

How is it that hard to understand?

The greatest greatness of this game was precisely that paying did not buy you significant advantage (particularly in the highest tiers) and now this pricing change makes that the opposite. 

Pay per win. Just like Top Eleven. Just like any other game

Because there is no real issue as the incredibly high price only exists in some heads. It's more expensive for some, ie. high level players with maxed YA and being no more demanding as the driver being T20 (or lower level players not caring about T20) and for high level players a bit more costs is needed for balance actually, but mostly just a lot of small payments and a slightly bigger one was rolled into one larger payment. The reactions should've been anticipated though, there is a reason companies try to break up costs into a myriad of small sums after all, people happily pay way more if the bills are just small enough.

It requires a change in managing as it's something to prepare for now (and suppressing the urge to spent those token elsewhere) instead spending a little now, then and again and a little bit of saving up at most to execute the process, but it's far from an impossible sum.
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago
Its quite sad that this game is turning in to pay-to-win
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago
Stop whining, junior levels are found on the transfer pilots that are generated by the system. This mechanic has not changed.
Changed the mechanics of finding and hiring for senior levels, very cheap hiring one pilot, one season and you can buy two pilots. THIS is very cheap.
For example level 13 could spend 100 tokens to find a pilot with a talent of 20, I checked.
So it's not expensive now, it used to be way too cheap.
medal 5026
3 years 193 days ago
50 tokens for a new driver??? Are you guys out of your minds? ?
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago

Its quite sad that this game is turning in to pay-to-win

I really would like to know what you guys understand about the concept of pay to win...
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago

Its quite sad that this game is turning in to pay-to-win

that's not true ... I repeat that in this game the pilots make no difference so there is no point in spending money to change pilots.

the defects of this update are 2. the first is that you can no longer buy 3-token drivers but to pass a driver from one team to another you need 9. the second is that this update is completely useless almost like caps. the problems to be solved are others such as development that does not count for anything, overtaking, thrust level etc etc etc.
if there are no resources and time why do we keep working on these useless things instead of doing something concrete?
I know almost all the strongest managers and almost all of them have quit, and not because of the cost of the drivers but because the game has become sad and boring.
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago
I will say that I am a little surprised to see level 0 staff going for ten tokens. I'm at an awkward spot where my driver is already a level above me and even at the slow training speeds, he's still going to hit 15 before I hit 14 most likely, so spending the money on the 4.5* doctor (since there's no such thing as a 5* at level 13) makes no sense. But I can't fire my doctor, so I thought, maybe I'll just get a lvl 0 one from my woefully undeveloped hospitality center, and I had a good laugh at the 10 token cost, so I just downsized to a level 5 for one token on the transfer list and will probably look to go lower when available. 
medal 5144 Super Mod
3 years 193 days ago

I can't fire my doctor, so I thought, maybe I'll just get a lvl 0 one from my woefully undeveloped hospitality center, and I had a good laugh at the 10 token cost, so I just downsized to a level 5 for one token on the transfer list and will probably look to go lower when available. 

You don't need to fire your doctor, let the contract expire and the game will free issue you with a L1 replacement with wages at £50k per race.
medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago


I can't fire my doctor, so I thought, maybe I'll just get a lvl 0 one from my woefully undeveloped hospitality center, and I had a good laugh at the 10 token cost, so I just downsized to a level 5 for one token on the transfer list and will probably look to go lower when available. 

You don't need to fire your doctor, let the contract expire and the game will free issue you with a L1 replacement with wages at £50k per race.

Yes, but I still had ~13 more races at 500k/race so I figured admitting my mistake now and fixing it was the way to go. 

medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago


I can't fire my doctor, so I thought, maybe I'll just get a lvl 0 one from my woefully undeveloped hospitality center, and I had a good laugh at the 10 token cost, so I just downsized to a level 5 for one token on the transfer list and will probably look to go lower when available. 

You don't need to fire your doctor, let the contract expire and the game will free issue you with a L1 replacement with wages at £50k per race.

Yes, but I still had ~13 more races at 500k/race so I figured admitting my mistake now and fixing it was the way to go. 

But its bad move)) 10 token give more money from investition.

even more so if you use a promotional offer in a shop to buy money for 1 token, but for a long time, but much more effective
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