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Watching live

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medal 5088
7 years 190 days ago
Yeah i load the race viewer always at home, so yes the same wifi

Have you tried restarting your router/modem at home to see if it fixes the problem? If not, please try and let us know what happens.
medal 5000
7 years 190 days ago
Yup already done, now i changed it to beta in the website
medal 5088
7 years 190 days ago
I don't think you're able to watch in beta on the app, but if it helps to change to that then watch again in the app, I'll be surprised.
medal 5000
7 years 187 days ago
hi, I have a problem when trying to watch a race as a spectator. I watched 1 and all seemed good, now I can not watch any other. I use Chrome on Win7, erased cache and other downloaded files and it does not work. On FireFox the same thing. It starts downloading this 272.... and it gets till the end very quick (when data is stored on computer) and I get error "Error Uncaught RangeError: Array buffer alocated failed URL: blob .... line 1". When I erase data it downloads everything again normally but at the end I get the same error. I have Override software rendering list enabled. Any advise?
medal 5088
7 years 186 days ago
What CPU and how much RAM does your computer have?
medal 5000
7 years 175 days ago
It doesn´t appear races in the spectator section. Is there any problem?
medal 5088
7 years 175 days ago
It doesn´t appear races in the spectator section. Is there any problem?

Hi Joaquín, is this in the app or on a PC?

Please take a screenshot of what you see and share the image or link to image here.
medal 5088
7 years 130 days ago
Anybody still experiencing issues opening the race viewer should consider posting in the thread for issues on PC or the thread for issues in the app.
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