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We need to talk about HARDS

What should be done regarding the H/H strategy?

21.99% (73)
Equalise tyre strategies to work on all race lengths, so as to not advantage a particular strategy for the vast majority of race
60.24% (200)
Give League Hosts an option to force teams to use two tyre compounds during the race.
17.77% (59)
It's fine as it is, besides it's a free game, so relax bro!
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medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 229 days ago (edited 6 years 229 days ago)

Another option would be a maximum number of each type of dry tire for the whole season.
15 SS
15 S
15 M
15 H

That's an interesting idea. Good suggestion but numbers would need to be changed. 100% race distance they'd run out of tyres half way through the season.

Indeed, for comparison I used for both cars last season: 
52 super softs 
32 softs 
2 mediums 
66 hards
7 wets (which probably would have been another 7 or 8 hards without rain)
So if made really tight then maybe 40 tyres each (or 20 per car), around 45 for a bit more relaxed choice, or increasing the numbers for the softer compounds to make up for their shorter wear.

Still a very interesting suggestion, quite a different take and would open up some tactical moves to ponder about during a season. Use 2 softs now for the first stint and go full hard there without having to resort to use too many soft then, just to arrive at the race there in pouring rain. :-D
medal 5000
6 years 229 days ago
Race 100% - 20 of each type of tire per car.
Race 75% - 15
Race 50% - 10

No limit for wet tires.

Our league is 75% and i used 61 sets of tires per car in last season. 
medal 5000
6 years 228 days ago
I really like this idea. It would require you to really think about the entire season. Which tyres are you going to save for Japan, Brazil and Abu Dhabi etc.
It also doesn't necessarily disadvantage the non attending managers because there is nothing to stop you running the entire race on a single tyre compound.
Not sure whether or not it is something that could easily be coded into the game. Sounds to me like it might be quite complicated. Also open to exploit... Join a 100% league, get a season's tyre allocation then move to a 50% league LOL.
medal 5000
6 years 228 days ago (edited 6 years 228 days ago)
My whole issue is that tires are too temperature sensitive. It does not matter which type of tire I use I always end up with the same lap times, because on softs I have to use low push levels to keep temps down and on hards i run on default and see no advantage in lap times over any type of tire. Truly the whole algorithm should be looked at. I propose when running on any type of tire on default push should stay in the "grey" zone temp region. This would open up a lot more strategies to use tires and make the tire economy stat a more important stat to research. To counteract too much of an advantage of supersoft then in this scenario tire wear should increase in hot conditions and as tires heat up too much i.e go in the red zone tires wear out sooner and a less predictable tire wear as is the case now. So if you want to push harder you can, tires get hot and wear out sooner but hot tires don't slow you down until they are finished. Just as in real life the harder you push the faster you go to the detriment of tire wear. Hot tires should not slow you down they should eat your tires. So once your tires are on 0% percent is when you should start loosing a lot of time. As for the vote - equalizing tire wear according to race length is a must then the question for using two different compounds in a race becomes obsolete.
medal 5001
6 years 228 days ago

My whole issue is that tires are too temperature sensitive. It does not matter which type of tire I use I always end up with the same lap times, because on softs I have to use low push levels to keep temps down and on hards i run on default and see advantage in lap times over any type of tire. Truly the whole algorithm should be looked at. I propose when running on any type of tire on default push should stay in the "grey" zone temp region. This would open up a lot more strategies to use tires and make the tire economy stat a more important stat to research. To counteract too much of an advantage of supersoft then in this scenario tire wear should increase in hot conditions and as tires heat up too much i.e go in the red zone and a less predictable tire wear as is the case now. So if you want to push harder you can tires get hot and wear out sooner but hot tyes don't slow you down until they are finished. Just as in real life the harder you push the faster you go to the detriment of tire wear. Hot tires should not slow you down they should eat your tires.

i like this because once they slow down hards it will be back to a supersoft festival and sitting on 1/5 from start to finish is boring and requires less skill, even softs are 1/5 at alot of places, keeping all the tires in a closer window of push levels would be a improvement in my eyes, being able to hold temp on softs at 3/5 push and supersofts at 2/5--3/5 push etc in general with super hot tracks being more and super cold tracks being less etc would be good
medal 5000
6 years 228 days ago
Yes all is fine speed of the tires is not the problem its as i explained in my previous post. In fact I feel so strongly about it, it should be a whole new thread. The fuel economy stat has little effect even on a 100 this should be another thing to look at. As both these proposals will give more options to research than the standard acc, brk, dwnf and hand.
medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago
Some very interesting suggestions being made here.

Lorenz, that's a great point about the tyre temps. Seldom can one push on the Supers or Softs, which doesn't make sense, so maybe the push levels should impact on the wear rate more than the temps. This would also have an effect on the Hards, making them harder to get up to temp.

I also really like Leandro's tyre allocation idea, but I think this would probably be a nightmare for newcomers to the game. Would teams get to choose which tyres they want? Here's my allocation.

0 Super 
0 Soft
0 Medium
100 Hard

That's for you Kevin ;)

medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago
I'm thinking those great ideas would fit for elite drivers. For Rookies would be a nightmare and probably discouraging 
medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago
Not really in Rookie mode if u stay at default push will be default temps with default predictable wear.
medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago

My whole issue is that tires are too temperature sensitive. It does not matter which type of tire I use I always end up with the same lap times, because on softs I have to use low push levels to keep temps down and on hards i run on default and see advantage in lap times over any type of tire. Truly the whole algorithm should be looked at. I propose when running on any type of tire on default push should stay in the "grey" zone temp region. This would open up a lot more strategies to use tires and make the tire economy stat a more important stat to research. To counteract too much of an advantage of supersoft then in this scenario tire wear should increase in hot conditions and as tires heat up too much i.e go in the red zone and a less predictable tire wear as is the case now. So if you want to push harder you can tires get hot and wear out sooner but hot tyes don't slow you down until they are finished. Just as in real life the harder you push the faster you go to the detriment of tire wear. Hot tires should not slow you down they should eat your tires.

i like this because once they slow down hards it will be back to a supersoft festival and sitting on 1/5 from start to finish is boring and requires less skill, even softs are 1/5 at alot of places, keeping all the tires in a closer window of push levels would be a improvement in my eyes, being able to hold temp on softs at 3/5 push and supersofts at 2/5--3/5 push etc in general with super hot tracks being more and super cold tracks being less etc would be good

THIS! This is exactly what's gonna bother me if they would just slow down Hards. Something has to be done with wear rates and tyre temps.

medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago
I think first we test at level 20 players like the h in winter behavior at the new 5 °c limit. 8/9 Stop in Spa (Belgium GP) with SS and I win is ridiculous.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 227 days ago

My whole issue is that tires are too temperature sensitive. It does not matter which type of tire I use I always end up with the same lap times, because on softs I have to use low push levels to keep temps down and on hards i run on default and see advantage in lap times over any type of tire. Truly the whole algorithm should be looked at. I propose when running on any type of tire on default push should stay in the "grey" zone temp region. This would open up a lot more strategies to use tires and make the tire economy stat a more important stat to research. To counteract too much of an advantage of supersoft then in this scenario tire wear should increase in hot conditions and as tires heat up too much i.e go in the red zone and a less predictable tire wear as is the case now. So if you want to push harder you can tires get hot and wear out sooner but hot tyes don't slow you down until they are finished. Just as in real life the harder you push the faster you go to the detriment of tire wear. Hot tires should not slow you down they should eat your tires.

i like this because once they slow down hards it will be back to a supersoft festival and sitting on 1/5 from start to finish is boring and requires less skill, even softs are 1/5 at alot of places, keeping all the tires in a closer window of push levels would be a improvement in my eyes, being able to hold temp on softs at 3/5 push and supersofts at 2/5--3/5 push etc in general with super hot tracks being more and super cold tracks being less etc would be good

THIS! This is exactly what's gonna bother me if they would just slow down Hards. Something has to be done with wear rates and tyre temps.

The good thing about bringing the wear rates closer together, which hopefully means the base point is around the current mediums or slightly towards the hards so it's mostly the softer tyres getting a boost, is that we can afford to spend some wear again. So adjusting push to influence wear more and temperature less sounds good. Then mix Lorenzos thoughts into the current system, like by splitting the current red area of tyre temperature into 3. So 
Blue, tyre cold, no change 
White, ideal temp, same as of now
Yellow, getting too hot, increased wear, no performance drop
Orange, getting hotter and way too hot in areas, even more wear and performance starts to get slightly affected
Red, way too hot, a lot more wear, a performance hit about as of now

In things giving Tyre Economy more impact or adding Tyre Pressure to setup, full support from me.
medal 5000
6 years 226 days ago
The number of tyres to use per season is the better option as it adds more strategy to the game.

We do need more in the way of car dev , fuel, cooling and others that currently no one spends points on must be made more important, after about 3 races everyone pretty much has 100 speed then they work on the other so called big 3.

If you made it perhaps that if u ran with low reliability you could need and extra pit to fox something, or had engine overheat problems which meant your car lapped a second slower for a few laps till it cooled down, this gives a reason to spe d points more wisely.

Removing anything other that 100% race length too, then ppl will use more than 1 tyre type per race, perhaps start with 100% fuel and make us limit our high push levels or we run out.

In general the posts about tyres and other suggestions are really us the user asiing for more depth..its badly needed.
medal 5530
6 years 219 days ago
Can't see any other posts mentioning this, but my thought is that reducing the pit stop time according to race distance (halving it for a 50% race, for example) would probably reduce the attraction of a H/H strategy.
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago

Can't see any other posts mentioning this, but my thought is that reducing the pit stop time according to race distance (halving it for a 50% race, for example) would probably reduce the attraction of a H/H strategy.

That's a good point Pete. Would it be enough though?

Surely an easy one to test Jack?
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago (edited 6 years 219 days ago)
Run 100% distance. Hards will no longer be the best option at every race. Or just remove Hards from the options for anything less than full race distances. Problem solved.
medal 5001
6 years 219 days ago
Pit loss is already not lifelike, on here it’s 13-18 seconds pit time loss, in real life with “ReFueling” is 22-30 seconds loss, halving it so it’s  6.5 seconds total pit loss round Valencia with refueling would be proper weird..
medal 5530
6 years 218 days ago

Pit loss is already not lifelike, on here it’s 13-18 seconds pit time loss, in real life with “ReFueling” is 22-30 seconds loss, halving it so it’s  6.5 seconds total pit loss round Valencia with refueling would be proper weird..

I agree, it would be weird - but as weird as a H/H strategy being the best option for most 50% races?
medal 5000
6 years 218 days ago
Why don't they incorporate into the game you have to use at least 2 different compounds in a race  like F1 ...?  Would that be a programming issue or easily done. 
medal 5000
6 years 218 days ago
Any update?

Btw, it's possible to incorporate a testing branch with a limited amount of experience users (not like me) in a league and test the future changes for stuff like this?
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