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New Look iGP

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medal 5244 CEO & CTO
9 years 149 days ago
Everything will be run through a huge conversion process to the new system, then leagues will continue where they left off. :)

It's going to be a foundational change to the entire game. With the new design system, everyone will need to re-allocate their performance levels after the update. Plenty more information will be posted about all of this nearer the time. The performance you have will essentially be given to you in the form of points in the new system, and then you will be able to re-allocate it to the areas you want.

As an earlier poster noted, November is probably too soon to expect a public rollout of this update, but we should have a beta online in November and everything in the open for proper scrutiny and feedback. Things are coming together nicely, and just the suggestions we got from the thread and blog have already influenced our direction slightly.

We're more willing to add depth to this first version based on the feedback, and it has resulted in some evolution of the race page already, adding more depth and detail to the setup. In hindsight, maybe we were being too cautious for mobiles and watering it down too much. It's far easier to make something this complex look confusing than it is to make it easy to understand though, so I'm glad we did it this way around, simplifying as much as we can and then layering complexity back in. I feel we are getting close to a perfect balance that will work well across platforms now.
medal 5044
9 years 149 days ago (edited 9 years 148 days ago)
More screenshots and information will be coming in November, when we aim to release an early beta too.


we should have a beta online in November and everything in the open for proper scrutiny and feedback.

Will the early beta release be for everybody?
we will likely make the setup more complex. If it's numerical, this might be a range of 1-10 or 1-20, because the old 1-100 values are too steep for mobiles.

Can the set up of the car be kept with the 1-100 values? If they stay numerical (which I hope they do), there ought to be a way to make the selection simpler, like scrolling through number values. An example of how it would function below, when one sets an alarm on iPhones you can scroll through for the right time, or on an Android, you can put the numerical value in directly.

Mobile users also get a simple lap value that doesn't require them to whip out a calculator every 5 seconds to figure out their fuel loads. The predictions will be more accurate than they are currently to avoid too many headaches.

I'm not sure how push levels will work in the beta and new format, however, if they still function the same way as they do now, can the fuel per lap prediction from the Technical Director output the amount of fuel that would be consumed in each push level mode?

For example: P1 will be the lowest push level, and P5 the highest.
P1: 3.2 litres per lap
P2: 3.3 litres per lap
P3: 3.3 litres per lap
P4: 3.4 litres per lap
P5: 3.5 litres per lap

If I understand your example correctly from a following post,
I was leaning towards having liters entered manually, but underneath it the Technical Directors prediction is displayed in laps, updated in real-time, instead of a fuel per lap value.

Fuel: 100 Litres
Estimate: 24.6 laps.

what if instead this was the input and output, using your example, 

(input) Push level for stint: P3 (3.3 litres per lap)
(input) Fuel for stint: 27 litres
(output) Estimated distance: 8.18 laps

To explain the above example, if my push level were to be P3 (3.3 litres per lap) for the stint, the Technical director's prediction on inputting 27 litres of fuel would be 8.18 laps.

Lastly, I hope you noticed something in the example above I just made: Push levels per stint, a suggestion made previously in another thread or two. This will be very important for players who may be unable to live manage a race. Please have something like that too! I have several managers in my league who could desperately use this feature. Would mean the world for those guys, as well as the many other managers who play this game and can't live manage.
medal 5244 CEO & CTO
9 years 147 days ago
Due to hardware limitations with some devices and markets we want to reach, we can only design for tap interactions. Anything more complex like swipe, slide etc. won't run on those devices. It's a significant GUI design constraint, but as these low-end devices become less common we will be able to add more kinds of interaction and animation to the GUI between races.

I feel it makes little difference whether the numerical values in setup are 1-20 or 1-100. It doesn't really add anything, since it will still be hard to find the ideal value. Also, with such a large range like 1-100 setup can become a bit tedious after a few seasons. Making that core loop of gameplay more enjoyable and convenient, while keeping it interesting, is something we're trying to achieve with these updates.

As for the push level / fuel suggestions, they will be taken in to consideration but I don't think we will have that feature in the first version.

Information on the early beta will be released in November.
medal 5160
9 years 147 days ago (edited 9 years 147 days ago)
Will it be an open beta or will you be looking for volunteers initially?

For the setup, maybe it's worth considering having an option to create an "almost ideal" setup with one click for a few reward points?

Edit: I missed the blog post, thanks for pointing it out
medal 5044
9 years 147 days ago
Will it be an open beta or will you be looking for volunteers initially?

For the setup, maybe it's worth considering having an option to create an "almost ideal" setup with one click for a few reward points?

If you read the blog post from September, reward points will become tokens, and you can use tokens to purchase an ideal setup. I hope that means it's not the most dialed in set up however. Almost ideal is pretty much the same thing as ideal.
medal 5000
9 years 147 days ago (edited 9 years 146 days ago)
I have a problem with Blunions fuel per push level example :D
It is far from fair & is nothing like the way it is now.
In Australia Push Level 1 on SS & Push Level 3 on M are both same fuel usage 3.9L per lap this is fair because SS is 2times faster than M.
SS 8Laps 31.2L They can do 9Laps but hit the cliff in sector 3
M 13Laps 50.7L They can do 14laps but the extra fuel for longer stints is far to much of a punishment.
& Blunion wants to punish me even more by increasing the fuel per lap for using PL3 CHEERS I thought I was slow enough doing the longer stint and on slower tyres. lol

Edit - Point out the reason Pirelli changed Australia to S & M was because the offset between SS & M that was to great. Bridgestone started the SS & M allocation in 2007 and was used ever since up until this year.
medal 5000
9 years 146 days ago (edited 9 years 146 days ago)
If rolling out beta at end of November 2015 it would be sensible to hold off full release till November 2016 to get push levels and tyre temps sorted out. The push levels in winter time are higher than push levels summer time so locking them in like before is just crazy cause in the summer time hard tyres over heat at push level 3 but in winter they can be used in push level 5. I have done enough shouting about hard tyres over heating on push 3 at Spain and if weather temp is high they over heat on push 2 grrrrrrrrrr

Oh aye maybe should delete this. that's likely only reason I won championships was cause others rolling around on PL1 SS & I was on PL5 H lol
medal 5000
9 years 146 days ago
Yes sure!! same fuel for all push levels & all compound looks sweet :)
after all longer stints on harder slower tyres is enough of a slow down without having to add more fuel.
medal 5044
9 years 146 days ago
Fuel consumption at other courses would still vary in a range of .3 litres per lap though.
medal 5000
9 years 146 days ago
Fuel consumption at other courses would still vary in a range of .3 litres per lap though.

Don't matter if it's 6.3 per lap. Long as it's the same fuel level for all 6 tyres even if you are on push 4 with H :)
medal 5044
9 years 146 days ago

Fuel consumption at other courses would still vary in a range of .3 litres per lap though.

Don't matter if it's 6.3 per lap. Long as it's the same fuel level for all 6 tyres even if you are on push 4 with H :)

Well James, you're going to have to deal with extra fuel if you run harder compounds in lower temps! 
medal 5000
9 years 144 days ago (edited 9 years 144 days ago)


Fuel consumption at other courses would still vary in a range of .3 litres per lap though.

Don't matter if it's 6.3 per lap. Long as it's the same fuel level for all 6 tyres even if you are on push 4 with H :)

Well James, you're going to have to deal with extra fuel if you run harder compounds in lower temps!

But, but works both ways. The hotter the tyre gets the more fuel it uses. That's why you can run on PL5 with hard then drop it to PL1 to start cooling them down again all in the same lap & it's using the same fuel as SS very little ;)

That's why I said before turn current H into SS & make new S, M & H tyres. That's what we need some fun different strategies with the tyre temps some might slowly over heat the tyres push gently for 5-6laps & others like me spend every lap managing the tyres push hard on the longest two straights & back off rest of the lap getting ready to push again.
medal 5000
9 years 139 days ago
So will the game come in a app, or is it browserwise in the mobile?
medal 5000
9 years 139 days ago
So will the game come in a app, or is it browserwise in the mobile?

I think they said somewhere that at first it will be browserwise on mobile, but then later on it will become an app...
medal 5244 CEO & CTO
9 years 139 days ago
That's correct. First there will be a closed Alpha test, then a Beta test, then the launch on, then the app(s).
medal 5000
9 years 139 days ago
The new app should be good fun.

It will be handy, sit in McRonaldos or King Burgers using their free wifi while having your Crack-coke. Even Johnnie Jogger can use the app while out getting some h2o2. Though there should be a warning attached to it, iGP Manager App may cause you to throw da fone. :D
medal 5044
9 years 138 days ago
I hope you can provide an update before the end of next week, Jack, with an anticipated launch date for the website, that is hopefully the same week or the week after the update.
medal 5000
9 years 138 days ago
The new app should be good fun.

It will be handy, sit in McRonaldos or King Burgers using their free wifi while having your Crack-coke. Even Johnnie Jogger can use the app while out getting some h2o2. Though there should be a warning attached to it, iGP Manager App may cause you to throw da fone. :D

medal 5244 CEO & CTO
9 years 138 days ago
I hope you can provide an update before the end of next week, Jack, with an anticipated launch date for the website, that is hopefully the same week or the week after the update.

I'll be posting a blog soon showing what we've done to the race preparation in response to everyone's feedback. There is a lot of frantic work going on to get everything finished at the moment as you can imagine!
medal 5044
9 years 138 days ago
That sounds great. I understand with all the feedback we've provided there'll be more work needed to finalize everything. Once the new format is launched for everybody to see we will have some new feedback then! :P
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