League ID 57119. Hi. It seems yesterday's bug has hit again. We haven't been able to check qualy times, not able to join live race. Please have a look. Thank you.
Hi, I'm requesting a rerun for yesterday's race ( at league EscuderíasGP ( Thank you.
Back again, the same thing occured again, now we have seen the race but it keeps hanging at the end. We r not been able to see our points and to fix our cars. Whats happening guys.
Its Dutch Racing Inc and the race was again in Turkey ?
Same again tonight people. It is now 20.11 and our race was supposed to start at 20.00 uk time. Even if the race does start now, it isn’t fair on people that aren’t holding on because tbh we don’t know if or when the race will start.
Please sort these little problems out
League id. 149
The race finally started. My tyres were a mess and a lot of people haven’t logged in
In our canceled race, the problem continued today. At 20:00, the race seems to continue. I want it to be canceled or replayed.
league id 130035
Edit: League id..
We could not connect to the race. The game chose the wrong tires. There was a connection problem. Due to the problem, we request the repetition or cancellation of our race at 22:00. PLEASE
Race Belgium SPA
league id (104130)
You can confirm that everything is solved or still have problems with re-run races.
Thanks in advance.