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LIVE NOW: Tyre update #3

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medal 5000
6 years 133 days ago
I think the calculations would be better taken from said the race pace isn't the same as pre race the optimal tyre is soft...its black and white apart from the obvious races.
medal 5000
6 years 133 days ago (edited 6 years 133 days ago)
All well and good saying the optimal tyre is Soft but that's only because of it's lifespan. 16 laps for example only uses 50% of the tyre in some places. That's why the tyre lifespans need adjusted, so that even Mediums and Hards are being used over 50% wear.

If SS does 12 laps and leaves 33% health 
S should do 16 laps and also leave 33% health
M should do 20 and also leave 33% health
H should do 24 and aslo leave 33% health

Brazil 25 laps the Hard tyre still has 63% health left to use, could take that same tyre to Abu Dhadi and reuse it instead of fitting a new tyre lol

I'm just giving examples, it's up to Jack what way he does it. If the wants to put 6 laps of a difference between M & S and only 2 laps of a difference between SS & S. Either way they are still ending up with the same amount of wear at the end of full stint.
medal 5000
6 years 133 days ago

Thats what i wrote About before. The only meaningful Adjustment, which could have an impact, under current conditions, is to Change from exponential growth in tyre wear to linear.

then we would have a result like your example.

for my race today, it is: 3%, 3%, 5% and 10%

which will result in around 23, 23, 14, 7 laps until they reach 50%. In that case the h is totally useless and the ss close to totally useless since you will lose even if you use the ss for one stint in all the others, because of weight or of medium usage.

a better way might be: 25, 20, 15, 10

That would make the current Situation slightly better, anyhow that Adjustment would not solve the Overall Problem. 
as mentioned so often it just can be solved by adjusting the external Parameters.
medal 6177
6 years 132 days ago
I agree Soft tyre wear rate needs to be increased so it wears out a lot faster and this way M and H tyre will come into play at 100% as atm Soft tyre doesn't wear enough and is also faster than M and H so no point going for M or H at all.
medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago
no more changes please... we can change every day o every race... we have this news tyre balance.. Realy play with this for a long ride... and review this after 4 o 6 monts...
In this time the game can be done another mayors improvments...

If all continue changing only tyres... never goin to be other change...

Common... play a litle with this rate of wear... and wait for another changes....

medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago

no more changes please... we can change every day o every race... we have this news tyre balance.. Realy play with this for a long ride... and review this after 4 o 6 monts...
In this time the game can be done another mayors improvments...

If all continue changing only tyres... never goin to be other change...

Common... play a litle with this rate of wear... and wait for another changes....

Thats what i am trying to to explain the whole time, we could go on until "upgrade 125" working at the wear rate, without getting a satisfying reslut. 

Just in case the Consensus of the Players is, that they want it, because varying tyres every Season would result to a lot of Tests and the use of different types for a while, until everyone knows how it works the best/fastest.

medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago (edited 6 years 132 days ago)
I is playing around with current tyres. :) 

Supplier 1 update 1
Supplier 2 update 2
Supplier 3 update 3
4 & 5 to go :P 
medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago
no more changes please... we can change every day o every race... we have this news tyre balance.. Realy play with this for a long ride... and review this after 4 o 6 monts...
In this time the game can be done another mayors improvments...

If all continue changing only tyres... never goin to be other change...

Common... play a litle with this rate of wear... and wait for another changes....

We have played and need no longer to review it. Soft clearly is OP...its boring.
medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago
After racing almost a whole season with the new update, soft tires are still dominant even in Abu Dabhi in 30C. I reied to use M tires but S was still better. This needs to be reviewed. I totally agree with Bernardo's post. 
medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago
It seems we have gone from only hards to only softs fro  what I can figure out but there are a few circuits where mediums work especially in the first stint 
medal 5738
6 years 132 days ago
i can´t feel it by now.
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago
Can Monaco Super-soft be changed?
SS @ 5% can be pushed to do 24 laps in 1 stint to allow them to be faster in 3 stints @ 18 laps and they are too fast for the Soft's. If they where @ 6% they could do 20's & 19's a little slower to give Soft's a look in.
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago
Why are the figures only taken by teams that have the best performance and best figures for fuel and tyre wear and forgeting about teams not getting anywhere close to having max drs or is this game just catering for old players with maxed out cars and not newcomers where the med are still faster
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago
I'm still trying to get my head around why this update to the compounds was even needed. Because some were moaning about the dominance of the Hards? Sorry to state the obvious, but we were in the height of summer at the time for all northern hemisphere tracks. Therefore, the Hard compound should dominate, naturally.

Now as we head in to the winter season, the SS and S compound should be the most dominant compounds. 

For 50% distance races, this update as reduced the strategy variability not increased it. You may as well scrap the SS and H compounds, and just use S and M, 1 stop, all season long (except possibly Monaco).

My wish is for it to revert back to pre update. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! 
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago

I'm still trying to get my head around why this update to the compounds was even needed. Because some were moaning about the dominance of the Hards? Sorry to state the obvious, but we were in the height of summer at the time for all northern hemisphere tracks. Therefore, the Hard compound should dominate, naturally.

Now as we head in to the winter season, the SS and S compound should be the most dominant compounds. 

For 50% distance races, this update as reduced the strategy variability not increased it. You may as well scrap the SS and H compounds, and just use S and M, 1 stop, all season long (except possibly Monaco).

My wish is for it to revert back to pre update. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! 

The Problem was, and still is that temperature just had an Impact on s and ss, and now just has on ss.

the hard was the fastest on every track, for example Australia at 15 Degree. Now the s is the fastest even at 35 Degree.
In my opinion it is a bit better now because in 100 % you can use the ss a bit at least for one stint and in 75% you sometimes Need the m (on 3-4 tracks). Before the update the h was just the fastest tyre every use of another tyre resulted in losing time.
So all types except of h were obsolete.
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago (edited 6 years 130 days ago)
Bastian you are incorrect. Before the updates started a 4 stop soft strategy was fastest at Australia and other tracks, not hards and Richard is absolutely correct in what he says. This is in my post on page 3 in more detail. Please revert back to the wear rates before any changes were made for 100% distance.
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago

Bastian you are incorrect. Before the updates started a 4 stop soft strategy was fastest at Australia and other tracks, not hards and Richard is absolutely correct in what he says. This is in my post on page 3 in more detail. Please revert back to the wear rates before any changes were made for 100% distance.

sorry for that, the main Point of my post was that temperature did not had an Impact, and will not have an Impact under the current Situation. Just if the ss would be the fastest, because thats the only tyre which overheats when ist too hot.

just used Australia as example because it was winter there and the temperature was low.
Even when a 4 stop s strategy was faster (i have not tested it, so i believe you her) was faster, the h still did not lost pace, the s strategy then worked because of the low wear rate in Australia.

you are Right i tried to hold it short so i was inprecise, h was fastest on the majority of tracks doesn't matter how warm it was.

now we have the same with s, i do not see a big difference between both, so if you go back will not be really better, it is just personal Preference.
As i mentioned so often the Problem will be solved by working on the other variables. temperature tracks ….

medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago

Bastian you are incorrect. Before the updates started a 4 stop soft strategy was fastest at Australia and other tracks, not hards and Richard is absolutely correct in what he says. This is in my post on page 3 in more detail. Please revert back to the wear rates before any changes were made for 100% distance.

I concur :)
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago (edited 6 years 130 days ago)
I keep harping on about the same thing over and over. My tyre test in Spain @ 16c, was a real eye opener.

The H tyres where PL5 it wasn't until they reached 50% wear they started to have trouble with the low temp.
The M tyres where PL4 & PL5 they had no trouble with the low temp until they had 67% wear (33% life left).

All the issues in the past when H was out classing all others, was because they where never getting anywhere near 50% tyre use & they where only 0.1 slower than M. So reverting back to the way tyres once where will only work if you increase the wear rates of M & H and keep the current speed differences (Delta Times) between the tyres.

if you take this old tyre info:

Change it to:
SS 19%
S 17%
M 15%
H 13% 
Would likely be a lot better. Keep in mind those wear rates are 1 point Tyre Economy. Current new system that can't happen anymore New starts & League switching players start with set amount now.
medal 5000
6 years 130 days ago

I keep harping on about the same thing over and over. My tyre test in Spain @ 16c, was a real eye opener.

The H tyres where PL5 it wasn't until they reached 50% wear they started to have trouble with the low temp.
The M tyres where PL4 & PL5 they had no trouble with the low temp until they had 67% wear (33% life left).

All the issues in the past when H was out classing all others, was because they where never getting anywhere near 50% tyre use & they where only 0.1 slower than M. So reverting back to the way tyres once where will only work if you increase the wear rates of M & H and keep the current speed differences (Delta Times) between the tyres.

what would happen then to strategy choice?

S, SS, and Maybe M obsolete. That solution would work if there would be an even harder tyre a super hard. Then there would be a dominant pair of hard and superhard

If you would Change the wear rates that the hard is wearing under 50% and has to stay there for a while that the effect you explained will work, so lets say, after 12 laps so it will be under 505 for 3 laps when we assume a 60 lap race.
Then you could use the ss Maybe for 3 laps the s for 6 and the m for 9.

The idea with temperature is good but not based on the wear rate.
Lets say it would be posible to implement that you are just not able to get the h warm at 15 Degree and the ss and s will overheat at 25 and 30 Degree. 
As from the developers mentioned that would need a bigger update.
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