John Doe medal 5000 2 years 8 days ago (Last edited by
John Doe 1 year 363 days ago)
About this update, there's a few things that worry me as a developer myself:
- BMI: It's widely known that the official version is that driver weight does not impact on car performance. However, almost everyone here trains a driver on weight first because you experience an incredible boost on his performance, which goes against this statement. Said that, there are two things that worry me:
1- once BMI will be implemented, shorter drivers may have a temporary boost on their performance since their BMI will be closer to the ideal value with the current weights that we have, which can have an impact in the ongoing championships until taller drivers can gain weight.
2- after this moment, and given the statement that I used to open this topic, if weight keeps having an impact on performance, shorter drivers can then have a big advantage even if they have the same BMI than taller drivers, 'cause their weight will be much lower.
Did those two points have been taken into consideration during development and testing? Will weight have an impact on performance in the next season?
- Driver strengths: I'd like to know if the strengths have been balanced. The reason I ask this is simple. Some strengths can have impact only on a few races per season (urban circuits) or even none (rain specialist) while others can have an impact on every race (qualification).
If the gain in performance is big, those with an impact on every race will have a big advantage over the others. If some have bigger impact than others to balance the effects, there will be almost impossible to win on certain circuits or situations if you don't have the right driver.
On the other hand, if the performance gain is low to balance it, this will make this feature completely irrelevant.
Also, not knowing what kind of strength you'll get will drive to a constant hiring of drivers until you'll find your desired one (hopefully one whose strength will apply on every race) and older teams with loads of unspent tokens will have an advantage over newer teams.
Finally, bigger teams with more experience may find interesting having multiple drivers and not compete in the drivers championship in order to have always the best driver on track for each situation (what will turn into boring or predictable championships). That may apply too to "favourite circuits".
-Engine suppliers: will this option to have a cost on real money? This is probably one of the most interesting features that I've heard about on the last months, 'cause it will add a new layer to the game for those who wants to spend more time on it (while others may just choose to buy an engine and forget about thinking on it). However, this game to be free (or supported by adds and optional buys that only speed up things) is one of the best features that it has. I'd like to know how will you deal with it.
And speaking about other topics of this thread, I see DRS as well as one of the biggests problems of the game. Its effect is so strong that turns an F1 game into a cycling game (with F1 cars), where you need someone who pulls you and lets you save resources until the final sprint. Strategy comes so often into a decision of "which one will allow me to be more time into a leading group" and better strategies in terms of pure pace can be useless if you drive alone for most of the race (or help your rivals to take advantage of your pace). This doesn't match with real F1.
Happy new year to everyone.
Your questions are too hard. Dev won’t read and/or reply to that