Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 247 days ago
We still have a place in Rookie.
It's a good time to join, 4 races left this season, a chance to sort things out for next season.

Xavier Cloud medal 5000 11 years 247 days ago
Add a design cap that automatically takes place for existing managers? If they go over 80% for next season it resets them back to 80%. This would stop next seasons progress but you can still design for this season, it would just say +0% next season preformance.
And if a new manager joins with an 89% car for the 2nd race, it lowers it to the max percentage possible to be achieved through designing (86%).
I wouldn't know how to code this but it's an idea.

Adam Gosling medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
With how close it is right now, design-wise, with current cars. 1 person joining at like race 7 with a 100% car will destroy + win the championship outright, if they attend the races. i think 2% would make more sense. or lower the max to 75 + alternate 2 + 3% increase per race.

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
Cant imagine someone being able to win the championship when joining after 7 races. Assuming the top of the field manages to end up somewhere in the top 3 every race, you would have to make up for 105-175 points. Doesnt seem very likely to me.
Looking at the standings it looks like finishing top 3 every race isnt very likely also but either way you would have to make up points while others are also still scoring points.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
Adam, I looked at the data for recent people joining with a 100% car. A 20 second penalty for 7 races, would still give them a chance to compete, without allowing them to win all the races.
Tjerk, That nearly happened a few seasons ago & still might this season

Adam Gosling medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
But they'll just be super strong in the remainder, losing 20 seconds per race will still get good points in some races. and considering you can win the league without points from race 8 is what i'm on about.

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
Or.. Simply dont allow people to join mid-season... Even if managers leave

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
Adam, I sort of agree with you. This would be much easier without the need for this rule.
However, we need to start somewhere & I think a 20ish second delay, bareing in mind that they will have to pass a lot of cars to get to the points., is a good place to start. I
It is also completely enforceable. Everyone can see the penalty & if they do not abide by the rule, then we remove them.

Ignatius B Corleone medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
So now that I've joined with 3 races to do and 89% on all components, I have to pit after lap 1 of the next 3 races right ?

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 11 years 245 days ago
Not this late in the season I wouldnt have thought

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 245 days ago
Ignatius, No it's a sliding scale.
If you had joined for the start of the season, with 89%, you would have been sanctioned for 3 races. If you had joined after 3 races with 89%, you do not get a penalty.
It's a 3% sliding scale.

Lewis Goodway medal 4880 11 years 244 days ago
Given the option id start with a 95% car then by the time race 6 comes around u will have a 100% car and dominate.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 244 days ago (edited 11 years 244 days ago)
If that is the case we will have to up the penalty

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 243 days ago
WINNERS Season 29
Rookie: Tony Mays won both titles & David Han is also promoted
Pro: Yonas Blixt won both titles & Pete Valley Is also promoted
Elite: Adam Gosling won both titles & Clifton Cairo also receives 100 ranking ponts
Adam Gosling is now ranked #1.
Congratulations to you all

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 242 days ago
We have place in Pro, for our new season which starts on Sunday @ 20.30 gmt

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 242 days ago (edited 11 years 242 days ago)
I have decided to give our special award of Le Prix de Lyon to Adam Gosling.
Adam has worked his way methodically through our league. He joined Rookie in June 2012 & after wiinning both titles there, won both in Pro on his first attempt. He has improved in a consistent manner to take 3 drivers & 3 teams titles in Elite & has become the new world #1. He leave us with holidays ahead & we hope to see him again soon.
Very nicely done Adam.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 242 days ago
Some of you may know Reidj Free, who has raced in our league almost since it started. He was strangely absent for the most part of the recent season, causing some surprise & concern. He has had somethng much more important going on; he & his wife have just had a baby.
I can report that mother & baby are doing well, although I get the impression that Reidj's sleep deprivation has started already. Mrs Smith tells me this will only last for the first 4 years.
Frankly, it couldn't happen to a nicer chap. Please join with me in congratulating them.

Josh Nathan medal 5000 11 years 242 days ago
Any thoughts of expanding the rule to the other classes? Not sure if I'm pro the idea or not but would make thinks much closer and interesting, (not to mention preparing us for when we get to Elite ;) ).

Ignatius B Corleone medal 5000 11 years 242 days ago
I don't agree with that josh..

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 242 days ago
This is the 1st time we have tried this. Whilst I have looked at the data & I think the penalties are about right, I won't know until we try.
Maybe it will expand into the other tiers, but not until it has been tested.