Progress on all fronts

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 16:32

This blog is an overdue and hopefully reassuring read, detailing how we're working in every area to improve your experience.

Update on the 2018 Car, Daily Rewards and New Circuits

Let's start with a sexy preview video...

As you can see, it's a huge step visually and not only a new car shape. These visuals need more time before they will be ready to enter the game. We expect the improved car, garage and an updated circuit to come first. One thing we have been delayed on with the new livery editor is increasing framerates on low-end devices. With such a step forward visually, it requires effort to get it looking the same across a range of devices.

Overnight service improvements

There should be a noticeable improvement to service stability and connections at peak times. To optimise the service for active players, we've started removing inactive players from Pro and Elite tiers. Previously, we only did this in Rookie and if you'd like to understand the situation and a full history, see my forum post on it. We've reduced the consequences for changing leagues in-season too, making it easier to move for legitimate reasons.

This will free up greater resources for the active players and improve the experience right away. This short-term solution also gives us time to finish the longer-term infrastructure improvements needed to support growing demand for iGP Manager, without the need to rush them through. We have been working hard on this for many weeks and are making good progress. If you need assistance with related events in your league (e.g. promotion after inactive teams were removed), email and we will be happy to help.

New Support system

We have expanded the support team and equipped them with a new suite of tools for managing your tickets. This should result in improved response times and a more comprehensive response when you get one.

Freezing weather... literally

We have also taken the temporary measure to freeze weather conditions in-game until further notice. We want to improve the system and may move to in-house weather rather than continuing with the augmented-reality system. It has caused a few too many complications impacting on the gameplay experience. If you have an opinion on this, please vote on the forum poll I have created.

New ads partner

We have secured a new ads partner and are currently integrating their platform in to iGP Manager. The aim is that their ads will show more reliably than our current partner(s) whose platform has stopped working for some users due to new EU GDPR regulations. This was not something we were warned about. Our new partner has shown a willingness to help better the user experience with rewarded video ads in iGP Manager, and we're excited to introduce their platform in the next Android update. It will follow on iOS as soon as it is ready.

Privacy policies

Speaking of GDPR, as you've probably noticed in recent weeks with all the privacy policy emails and updates going on, all companies have had to update their documents in this area to be 'GDPR compliant'. This is something we too have had to dedicate time and resources to, and the smaller the company, the more this sort of stuff can bog you down. That took up a lot of my time in particular to update our documents and processes.

Avatar uploads

I wasn't sure if this deserved a heading, but for those who care, this will be a welcome improvement. Aggressive caching was preventing new avatars from showing after they were uploaded, but this is no longer the case. We work around the caching to ensure the new one is shown immediately.

While there is more than this being worked on, I would rather wait until everything I've mentioned in this blog is finished before announcing anything else. As you can see, we're not resting in any area and are constantly working to improve your experience!


iGP Developer Blog

The latest news about technical and gameplay developments on iGP Manager
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Peter Raith 6 years 175 days ago
Es wäre schön, wenn Autos auch einmal ausscheiden würden {Motorschaden oder technischer Defekt }.
DEMON KING 6 years 187 days ago
I'm on an iPad mini 1st generation and it still works very well.
DEMON KING 6 years 187 days ago
Its severally pissing me off, because gold and grey are not my favorite color combo. The gold is going to stay but not the grey, PLEASE FIX THIS SOON!
DEMON KING 6 years 187 days ago
My livery editor still does not work. Even if it makes into the editor, it won't respond to any touch, then it goes through several different white screens going back to the editor screen in between white screens. Fully Update the game and FIX this.
Tinka Lazy Chris 6 years 213 days ago
Fang Lei 6 years 217 days ago
Jimmy Markou+ Great idea! And i can finally use ma E-boost with out fealing it was a waste.

By the way i want this to be in the practice session too. (Skippable)
Fang Lei 6 years 217 days ago
Great! cause evreytime the race starts it's the same freaking time as i have dinner.

Looking for the update too :) can't wait for the halo to be on my car protecting my vitrual driver ;)

(Im not hating the halo i don't care)
Maurizio Colato 6 years 225 days ago
You must improve the Ultrasoft tyre and the Hypersoft tyre and reduce the power of Hard tyre (in real F1 no one use the Hard tyre)
John Doe 6 years 230 days ago
se cumplio con el soporte, clima, avatar y politicas de privacidad.

solamente falta el circuito nuevo, actualizado y el nuevo coche.

el cual apuesto que sera silverstone y agregaran baku, circuito de las americas, algun otro ficticio
iGP Staff Jack Basford 6 years 242 days ago
In response to suggestions to add the car to the manager profile, we have done just that. The car is now shown beside your profile photo on mobile, or under your reputation on desktop.

We are working our way through bugs in the month of July and will come to look at tyre balance and other things when we get a chance. There is a big discussion about tyres on the forum now which I would invite anyone to join if they have any suggestions.
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