Decimal fuel values and simulator upgrades

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:46

Now when there is less than 10 litres of fuel in the car a decimal value will display instead of a whole number. This has been implemented to prevent confusion and guesswork over how much fuel is in the car on the final lap of a stint.
I'm moving to another country tomorrow, and it will take a couple of weeks to settle in. While I move work is ongoing to fully and finally address issues with lag in the simulator, which will make the system more scalable as a whole.
This project to improve the scalability of the service is probably one of the most important we have ever had. It will be important to the quality of the service and quantity of people that we can reach that we make this upgrade. We have set aside 3 months in total for the project, but this does not mean that we won't be releasing other updates at the same time. We will be releasing updates alongside this project to improve the web game aspects of iGP Manager.

We'd like your suggestions...

What updates would you like to see to the web game aspects of iGP Manager. This is any area of which is not the race viewers. Our staff that develop the race viewers will be occupied with the simulator update. In the meantime, I will be free to make upgrades to the web game. What would you like me to work on? Mobile support for setting up cars on the go? Interface improvements? More items beyond level 10? Let us know in the comments below.


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Antero Croop 10 years 111 days ago
And maybe it would be great to change/Add circuits. In my humble opinion, why there are not more circuits? We can make custom Seasone Calender, if we can have this possibility. Maybe Create A1 Ring, San marino, Yeongam, Magni-Course, Hockenheim and Others. And make option for enabling Double Points on last Race, just an Option, not a hard rule. And BTW: How in the bloody Hell it is possible to win with 5 pit stops?! That is CRAZY!
Antero Croop 10 years 111 days ago
Maybe change the Engines like Greer says. But make it as 3 boxes, which will you pick. You can have 3 Engines per Driver whole seasone. And you must manage them through seasone. 4th engine will be with penalty of etc 10 places on start? And yes, make it more wearable. And make possibility to change usage of Engine. It would mix the championship, and more teams can make currious results. But the max GPs on 1 engine can be 8th with the lowest level of power each race. :)

daniel baños 10 years 117 days ago
creo ke seria bueno tambien contratar ingenieros de pista y ala hora de la carreara hcaer como una especie del pitwol que utilizan ellos como un radar informacion de neumaticos combustible y la posibilidad de darle ordenes mas conqretas a tu piloto
Pablo Orcial 10 years 188 days ago
I would like you to create a league where each season finale invite every champion of ELITE to participate, would like a World Cup.
James Greer 10 years 192 days ago
Engine wear needs to be increased in the daily racing leagues. the current allocation is 20 a season i use total of 6 each driver only uses 3 the whole season.
High Rev Racing 10 years 199 days ago
I would like to see no refuling during the race, handing an advantage to players that are online during the race.

Also using more than one tire compound per race.

what about adding a few new tracks Canada, Korea, India an so on......
Greg Denton 10 years 202 days ago
Collisions. Off-racing-line speed/grip penalty for leaving racing line. Introduce options for driver behavior (part of stats) to pass aggressively (higher collision risk, possibly involving other car or simply off track) or patience. Straights should have a wider racing line to accomodate passing (DRS etc) and passes on curves comprise risk. Cars are <x> wide/<y> long, so leaving/rejoining the racing line depends on other cars in proximity and their pace.
Dagget Beaver 10 years 202 days ago
How about the ability to become a factory team and be able to develop your own engine in house
I B 10 years 206 days ago
Push levels per stint to allow for different compounds and an additional couple of stint settings, 5 isn't enough for a 100% race especially now tyre wear has increased since Feb. Also expand the wet weather setup as at the moment you can't use both wets and inters if you're not attending the race. (Not enough characters here so will post on this in suggestions).
jordan scavo 10 years 207 days ago
I'd like an update that clarifies the engine characteristics, making them easier to understand and differentiate.
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