Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 1 year 273 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 1 year 273 days ago)
I have had 2 emails on my account.
And so 2x20 tokens have also been debited.
We have a database record of everyone who received +10 tokens, some received it twice, meaning you would have received +20 Tokens when becoming an engine manufacturer.
We do understand the frustration and people saying they made decisions expecting to have tokens, but the reality is anyone affected by this had the ability to make decisions others couldn't also, by receiving +10 tokens instead of having them deducted (leaving them with +20 more than those who had them deducted each time this occurred).
If it was anything other than tokens or about stats in the game obviously everyone would welcome correcting an error, but not with Tokens. We also realise it will be confusing coming so far after the update. The reason is it was only discovered this week. We can export anyone's full token history if they want to see the transactions in context and dispute them or if they think the incorrect amount has been deducted.
The only case which left me genuinely confused was the one who said they aren't an engine manufacturer. We will look at these on a case by case basis and assist where necessary.