Hola José, en la carrera de hoy, IGP de Mónaco de mi liga, se sucedieron varias anomalías, hasta el primer stint todo parecía normal, pero luego de ello los kers dejaron de funcionar, varios usuarios comenzaron a tener el mismo problema, el kers y el drs no funcionaban correctamente, aunque uno los activara no tenían efecto. Al igual que el ingreso a boxes, si uno quería anular o reprogramar el mismo, no tomaba la orden. Solicitamos la anulación de la carrera y que sea reprogramada. En Elite mayormente somos de 7 a 10 usuarios conectados en Elite, 3 o 4 en pro. El horario de carrera es 11 AM en argentina. Esperamos se pueda repetir la misma ya que estamos en instancias finales. Muchas gracias
Hola Martin,
Lamento mucho el problema que ha ocurrido en la carrera de tu liga. He programado una repetición de la carrera como solicitaste.
Jose? Our race didn’t start today, just a few minutes ago, no quali results, no one is able to login into the race
I am the host of the league affected
F1 Fans United
“Race did run”
Consider it closed
Hello Maarten,
I understand that there is nothing to fix regarding your league.
Hello Jose,
We are from the F1 league currently unable to access our race and also the qualifying is appearing blank. Race was due to start at 17:00 UK time and all others in league are having the same issue?♂️. I know we are only 3 races in but Hopefully the race can be rescheduled.
Many Thanks
Hello Andrew,
My apologies. Race ready for a rerun as you requested.
Our race did not start at the expected time. Race was in Mexico, our league is Supreme Championship, No. 7181. I believe there was a general server problem that led to this and I am getting requests from members to re-run this race.
Hello Timothy,
My apologies. The race is ready to be rerun.
Definitively, this isn't our season. Due to the problems reported by many other leagues and according to the managers of my league I request the rerun of Monaco iGP. Thank you.
Hello Rafa,
My apologies. Rerun ready for the race in Monaco as you requested.