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Open Discussion with the Devs: League system

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medal 5000
7 years 111 days ago
Hello guys!
I have got a few ideas in my mind, lets discuss them!

1., Cup race: Im getting more and more addict of this game, but sadly there is only 1 race / day. So i came up with a well worked out idea which would be great in the game. What if we having extra races ( every day or every 2nd day ) like cup games in football. We could call it league cup. Players can decide if they want to sign up or not. Participants got to pay a sign up fee ( 500 000 - 1 000 000 ) and the final winner takes all that money which is in the pot. Each player can only have 1 driver in cup race ( and you are able to change your driver in question ). Depends on how many player takes part in cup race, we say good bye 1 or 2 driver(s) at the end of each race. So it means if we have 16 players ( 16 drivers ) in a cup race, we will say good bye to 2 drivers / players / race. In this case we only need 8 tracks. Of course drivers are loosing energy, but no extra development points after cup race. This extra function could give us more fun and more time to play. We could also try some extra things in cup games ( i will talk about them later ).

2., More track: I think we all know the right setups and pit stop tactics to win a race. We got used to these tracks so thats why would be great to race around on different tracks. We could try these in Cup Race.

3., Spin / Crash / accident / Safety Car: Also, try it in Cup Race. We always have the same 2 or 3 teams ( With their drivers ) whos finishing on top, meanwhile others are struggling to get points. I was reading about this topic before and some was saying that probably we wont be happy if something happening with one of our driver. Probably we wont, but it gives some extra fun ( or anger ) to the game. Each driver needs an extra skill ( for example: caution ) so crashes depends on that skill ( of course if you force your driver to push hard there is bigger chance to mistake even with high Caution skill).

4., Investigate tyre management: It happened so many times that drivers on hard tyres are quicker then drivers on softs, even if temperature was 11 degrees. Its not realistic at all. Where is the advantage on those softs?? And also.... different is so slight between medium and hard tyres. Im sure its not only in our league so it would be nice if others share their experience about this case. But honestly, i think its not right that hard tyres are better then softs especially when weather is " cold ".

More setup options: I have seen some old topic with pictures of old iGP. That time players had so many options to set up a car. Nowadays we only have 3: wings, suspensions and ride height. Not much ini? Shall we bring back some of those old setup options?

And once again: Cup Race. This is the most important part of my topic ( my point of view ). The reason it would be so great coz we could try any new ideas in those cup races. Actually it could be a beta version of iGP where we can test anything before it becomes part of the game ( in championship ).

So falks, lets talk about it :)
medal 5000
7 years 111 days ago
Very good ideas all of them, really, and I support them all. However, if we're being realistic, the Cup- idea is (though it would be very nice to have) kind of a big deal and would take a very long time to develop.

I would suggest the most urgent of all these is the tire management one: it really bugs me that it's only the first stint you get any real difference between softs and hards, no matter the weather. And all this while softs wear about 300% faster (usually). There should really be a bigger difference, either so that the hards wear faster or the softs would be faster. And considering the mediums, I really don't see any reason to use them as of right now. They wear 100% faster than the hards, heat up quicker and are in most cases even slower than hards. There has to be some kind of change that would be managable, right?
medal 5000
7 years 111 days ago
Come on guys, this topic is about LEAGUE SYSTEM
Is it that hard to follow a title ? Create your own topic...
As for me, this is what I have to suggest to improve leagues.
medal 5000
7 years 99 days ago
Could we have chose in if we can have refuelling on no refuelling in the league's so tyer chose and number of pit stops can be mixed up. At the moment 4 pit stops is making it to easy
medal 5000
7 years 98 days ago
I think one should be the best, but we should also consider kicking out of leages unactive hosts as they don´t listen to proposals from players. I think from idea one that it is good to increase number of promoted teams because it takes several seasons to be able to fulfill the three categories. However I would leave auto-cick up to leage hosts to decide how many teams they want to kick just not to completily empty the leage maling it impossible to be promoted.
medal 5000
7 years 91 days ago
I have been owner of THE MJL since i created it in 2016 and to be honest if anything i need the divisions to be bigger as i have more players wanting to join what is allready a full league with nothing but active players in it as teams tend to join and stay in my league for a long time which has made it rather popular hence could do with maybe 18/19 or 20 teams per division
medal 5000
7 years 69 days ago

hello, good, the game is very good, but there comes a time when the leagues stagnate, because strategies are copied every season, it would be nice if the administrator of a league could do more things like add laps or something new, or put more options of duration and speed. Apart I think that the tires do not perform as they would have to be according to the temperature, because the means are not worth anything and the hard ones are worth in all conditions ... and it would be great if there were big differences according to the engines and fuels that you use, , they are only suggestions, thank you
medal 5000
7 years 67 days ago
I understand why there would be a penalty if u change leaugue but the penalty is to bad. U basically restarting. I'm in a league where only i win so i want to move but if i do im going to be in pros and back down to 0 basically. and everybody will be better than me and i would be demoted. Make the penalty atleast little bit less harsh
medal 5463
7 years 66 days ago
Why can't the devs add more sets of tyres? (with adding the Ultra is enough). Or, at least, recalibrate all the tyres, please. Thank you
medal 5000
7 years 59 days ago (edited 7 years 59 days ago)
Do developers consider changing League system into Continental cups or something like that. Players from similiar timezones - (similar to footbal relegation system) and the best few from the first tier of the zone go to the "World challenge" at the end of the season.
This would throw most of the non active players in to lower leagues and there would be more sense for a newbie in the game. the game would work better if u ask me.

Now your gaming experience is realy bad if u are in elite cause there is not alot of players. Any developer willing to answer?

Oh and it would be great if there was a option to make a strategies for more races in the future, so you dont need to log in every day if you dont have an option

medal 4997 Moderator
7 years 59 days ago
While I also think that a deeper league system could enhance this part of the game there's the problem that none so far work with also retaining the diversity of racing day and time schedules and limiting the ability of a player to attend the races would be the worst thing the game could do.

Then there's the diversity in race types, although it'd be easier to arrange with less option there, this also would mean closing the door for possible future options like leagues running their own favourite race track calendar or enabling leagues to run a season with a rule set of 1986, others could decide to stick with up to date F1 rules and another one could look at Indy car. That wouldn't be possible with more centralized systems.
medal 5000
7 years 37 days ago
Is it possible that a system or something is created to remove the pilots from inactive teams? I think it is the right thing to do, because as it is possible to search for pilots through links, it is also possible to find pilots in the market just looking at the teams in which you were hired and by the current team. I think this analysis is fundamental, because we do not want gaming facilities, but improvements in a smarter system.

Another question that I would like to mention is that of "negotiation between teams or managers" of the same league, tier or even friends in the game or by the Whattsapp group in many leagues, such as those in Brazil.
I expect an answer, hug.
medal 5000
7 years 36 days ago
Just a thought, Why can't we (active managers) race in more than one league at once, maybe max it at 3 or so but it would be fun and add more elements to the game.
medal 5084
7 years 36 days ago

Can anyone tell me if this year's new tracks will be included in the next game update?
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
7 years 36 days ago
Perhaps the thread title is misleading, but this thread is not about just asking the devs anything, so I'm going to close it. That said I will answer a few of the questions that just got asked.

Is it possible that a system or something is created to remove the pilots from inactive teams?

Our policy is to allow people to keep their teams indefinitely, so they can return to the game and continue where they left off if they want to take a break or come back after an update.

Another question that I would like to mention is that of "negotiation between teams or managers" of the same league, tier or even friends in the game or by the Whattsapp group in many leagues, such as those in Brazil.

I didn't understand your point. Could you clarify?

Just a thought, Why can't we (active managers) race in more than one league at once, maybe max it at 3 or so but it would be fun and add more elements to the game.

We're aiming to add friendly/casual races this year outside of leagues. It will achieve the same aim.


Can anyone tell me if this year's new tracks will be included in the next game update?

Not in the next update, no. It's something we're looking at for the future though.
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