dan ruglio medal 5000 4 years 96 days ago (Last edited by
dan ruglio 4 years 96 days ago)
Dan, try finding another driver with same height, "equally trained" "fully trained" drivers with same height with equal setup should do an equal qualifying time, they do in "normal teams" anyway, be interesting test.
Similar experience would better for this test also as sometimes much higher exp 0:00.001-0:00.005 faster in Quali ive noticed but not big issue just put the higher exp in car 1 slot.
Thanks for the answer William ;)
i'm sorry but... My driver Tinoco in the second car is 180cm and 7 in experience. The driver in the first car is 175cm and 17 exp.
Tinoco is always better in dry qualy. But if i swap them, it is the opposite. I've already tested.
Height or Experience are not the issue here. And i'm thinking it's just one little change on an update. What is it? We don't know. What information do we have. 0.0
That 'not big issue', on this league. means the first driver is qualifying 10 to 20 places behind ALMOST EVERY SINGLE RACE for a long time now. starts of 2020? something like that i would say.
This wasn't like that before. There is something different in this game qualifiying, i just want to know what is going on.
Any other clues?