Derferik Derf medal 5000 5 years 14 days ago (Last edited by
Derferik Derf 5 years 14 days ago)
Kristine...sorry again !!
The results were canceled, but our schedule was delayed.
The race in Turkey was to take place on 23/02 and not on 24/02.
Can you reset it to 23, please ??
This should be fixed now. Thank you!
Hi José ... let me summarize what I am trying to resolve with Kristine :
1- because of the bug on Thursday evening (20/02), many managers were unable to make their adjustments and their strategies before the Austrian GP. So I asked to just CANCEL THE RESULTS.
2- But by mistake, instead of simply canceling the results, the race was postponed to 21/02. So our championship schedule has been changed !
3- I reported to Kristine that the race had been postponed instead of simply canceling the results...
4- She corrected the error by canceling the results of the Austrian GP but the schedule of our championship did not been reset !
5- This is why I ask you today to put back our schedule as it was before the modifications. The next race in Turkey must be run on Sunday 23/02 and not on Monday 24/02.
I hope you can correct this because otherwise our current championship and the next ones will be delayed !
Thank you for your understanding...
F1 French Race (ID 127122)