Raka Dilla medal 5000 6 years 230 days ago (edited 6 years 229 days ago)
Driving ability: In Driver’s profile, “Kemampuan mengemudi” (Driving ability) should be replaced with “Kemampuan membalap” because it’s racing term rather than “mengemudi” which means driving ordinary car.
Facility complete: In Messages, when we got notification about construction is complete, “Konstruksi fasilitas baru kami (...) selesai”, it need little corrections. “Konstruksi fasilitas (...) baru kita telah selesai” is better.
(...): Desain/Manufaktur/Kantor dan keramahtamahan/Simulator/Teknologi/Akademi
In Shop, in Investment: “...di jaringan sosial manapun.” should be replaced with “... di media sosial manapun.’’ because Indonesian always mention Facebook and Twitter as media sosial. And “Seperti di Facebook” should be replaced with “Suka di Facebook”.
Present: “Present” can be translated as “Sekarang” (Now), “Hadir” (Attend) and “Hadiah” (Gift). The right word for this is “Sekarang”.
Preparation level: “Pembalap sehat untuk bertanding” and “Mobil dalam kondisi bertanding” should be replaced with “Pembalap sehat untuk balapan” and “Mobil siap untuk balapan” as bertanding isn't racing term, it only work in football or basketball.
Relegation: Relegation in Indonesian sport means “Degradasi”, not “Penyerahan”. So, it should be “Promosi dan Degradasi”. I’ve found 5 in Help and 2 in Host setting.
Spectate: “Balapan langsung yang sedang berlangsung ditunjukkan disini” is redundant. It should be “Balapan yang sedang berlangsung ditampilkan di sini”.
Language: Indonesian