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Translations Feedback Thread

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medal 5000
7 years 195 days ago
Hi jack! There still are a lot of errors in the translation in French! Can I call you on Skype to show you all of errors please?
medal 5000
7 years 192 days ago
Hi, I'm new on IGP and I'm sorry if someone has already posted this.

I found an issue with the translation on all the stats pages that I've visited from "Leages".

Where it sais the last leage you are in, from "dd mmm yyyy" to "Presentar".... it should say "Presente"

My language is Spanish and I use Chrome and Android to play and in both places is the same.

I'm trying to upload an SS but I don't know how to do it.
medal 5088
7 years 191 days ago
Hi Martin, I am merging this thread to the Translations Feedback thread.
medal 5000
7 years 190 days ago
Thank you, I've just realized this was the place to post.

I've found another issue...

When I go to the transfer page, and place the mouse over the stats of a driver, the info of height and weight of the driver are mixed...

What I mean is that height is where weight should be and weight is where height should be...

There you see "PES" should be where "ALT" is...

It's on PC and Chrome...
medal 5000
7 years 170 days ago

I want to submit a minor - but annoying - bug/typ-o thats behind the 'Next race' in Dutch translation.
There is always a 1 visible. My next race is the 5th in the season but it says this: Round 1 5 of 17.

Thnx for fixing it!
So here it is:

medal 5088
7 years 170 days ago
Correction: you're playing using the Netherlands version, was a bit confused there.
medal 5000
7 years 169 days ago
A correction? In English our language is pronounced 'Dutch'. So I live in the Netherlands and we speak dutch. Just sayin'
medal 5088
7 years 169 days ago
Derp. I didn't read the list of available languages correctly. I thought it said Dutch, but it says "Deutsche".


Either way, I submitted a ticket about it yesterday.
medal 5000
7 years 168 days ago
No problem, and thnx ;)
medal 5000
7 years 162 days ago

When you are changing team and the system asdvise you about the penality that you can have. The botton who should mean "accept" is translated as "recensisci"... that mean like "leave a feedback". The correct word should be "accetta".

I don't have any printscreen
medal 5000
7 years 161 days ago
hi Jack, i'm sorry i forgot to say thanks to you for your respond before.
Now I have another correction for Bahasa Indonesia

In Halaman utama (Home), "Daftar singkat" should be replaced with "Daftar pendek" and there's typo "Dafar pendek"

In Balapan berikutnya (Next race), "Balapan mulai" is incorrect word. It should be "Mulai balapan".

For Suspension, there's two meaning "Suspensi" (Suspension) and "Penangguhan" (Delay). The right word for this is "Suspensi".

You can shortening the sentence "Pengaturan yang ideal" to "Pengaturan ideal", 'cause in app it's too long and I can't see word "ideal"

"Kecepetan" is typo and has meaning too fast. It should be "Kecepatan" (Speed). "Kehandalan" should be replaced with "Daya tahan"

In Mobil (Cars), the meaning some of them are wrong. It should be:

Akselerasi: "Meningkatkan manfaat dari kecepatan"

Pengereman: "Mengurangi jarak pengereman yang diperlukan saat memasuki tikungan"

Downforce: "Meningkatkan kecepatan pada tikungan cepat"

For “Penanganan”, I suggestion to replaced with “Sistem kemudi” ‘cause it more suitable for racing. And the meaning is "Meningkatkan kecepatan menikung saat kecepatan rendah hingga sedang dan pada permukaan tidak rata atau licin"
medal 5000
7 years 161 days ago
In Pembalap & Staf, there are some not suitable word and meaning.

For “Sudut-sudut cepat”, I suggestion to replaced with “Tikungan cepat” ‘cause it more suitable for racing. The correct meaning is “Mempengaruhi kecepatan menikung pada tikungan cepat”.

For “Sudut-sudut lambat”, I suggestion to replaced with “Tikungan lambat” ‘cause it more suitable for racing. The correct meaning is “Mempengaruhi kecepatan menikung pada tikungan lambat”

“Membela” should be replaced with “Bertahan”

“Fisikal” should be replaced with “Fisik”

The correct meaning is “Mempengaruhi berkurangnya kesehatan pembalap pada saat balapan”

In Statistik, “Kejuaraan” should be replaced with “Juara”
“Tiang” should be replaced with “Pole Position”

For Driver, the correct meaning of Jual: "Jumlah pembalap Anda terbatas. Rekrut pembalap lain terlebih dulu"
“Panjang kontrak” should be replaced with “Durasi kontrak”

For Staff, the correct meaning of Jual: "Jumlah staf Anda untuk bagian ini terbatas. Rekrut staf lain terlebih dulu"

In Pelatihan (Training), “Fisikal” should be replaced with “Fisik”.

In Liga, “Ditemukan” should be replaced with “Dibuat”.
medal 5000
7 years 159 days ago
hi Jack, i'm sorry i forgot to say thanks to you for your respond before.
Now I have another correction for Bahasa Indonesia

In Halaman utama (Home), "Daftar singkat" should be replaced with "Daftar pendek" and there's typo "Dafar pendek"

In Balapan berikutnya (Next race), "Balapan mulai" is incorrect word. It should be "Mulai balapan".

For Suspension, there's two meaning "Suspensi" (Suspension) and "Penangguhan" (Delay). The right word for this is "Suspensi".

You can shortening the sentence "Pengaturan yang ideal" to "Pengaturan ideal", 'cause in app it's too long and I can't see word "ideal"

"Kecepetan" is typo and has meaning too fast. It should be "Kecepatan" (Speed). "Kehandalan" should be replaced with "Daya tahan"

In Mobil (Cars), the meaning some of them are wrong. It should be:

Akselerasi: "Meningkatkan manfaat dari kecepatan"

Pengereman: "Mengurangi jarak pengereman yang diperlukan saat memasuki tikungan"

Downforce: "Meningkatkan kecepatan pada tikungan cepat"

For “Penanganan”, I suggestion to replaced with “Sistem kemudi” ‘cause it more suitable for racing. And the meaning is "Meningkatkan kecepatan menikung saat kecepatan rendah hingga sedang dan pada permukaan tidak rata atau licin"

I'm gonna help w/ this one Jack (though I prefer using English :p)

The acceleration stat description could be "Meningkatkan percepatan"

The "Handling" stat could be "Kendali"

That's all for *that* particular post...
medal 5000
7 years 159 days ago

For Driver, the correct meaning of Jual: "Jumlah pembalap Anda terbatas. Rekrut pembalap lain terlebih dulu"
“Panjang kontrak” should be replaced with “Durasi kontrak”

For Staff, the correct meaning of Jual: "Jumlah staf Anda untuk bagian ini terbatas. Rekrut staf lain terlebih dulu"

For this one...

The driver sale one could be "Jumlah pembalap Anda sesuai batas minimum yang diharuskan. Rekrut pembalap lain terlebih dulu."

For the staff one, simply replace "pembalap" w/ "staf"

I appreciate your efforts for the correction in advance.

That's all I can do for now Jack, thanks for the team's efforts making this game understandable for everyone.
medal 5000
7 years 156 days ago
Hi all!

I find one false translate on the game (on PC and Smartphone too, have screenshot for this, but i cant upload here, so i try to write what is the problem):

If i click the previous race, then the Finnish collumn on my time, the game change the Soft and Super Soft tyres. Soft in hungarian language is Puha, Super Soft is Szuper Puha. This is only have if i use my own language (hungarian). I hope you understand :D

Thank you!
medal 5000
7 years 147 days ago

We say "Pneus options" and not "Pneus mous"
"Arrêt dans" and not "Arrêt en"
"Meilleurs" and not "Meilleur"

We say "Relai" and not "séjour"
medal 5002 Super Mod
7 years 147 days ago
Really? "pneus options" for "soft tires"? I agree pneus mous sounds weird, but I was expecting "pneus tendres". And "super tendres" for super softs.
I thought in French, just as the English "option tires", "pneus options" is a more generic name in F1 for the middle tire choice. Every race has 3 compounds to choose from, the hardest is called the prime tire, the middle the option tire and the softest compound are called "quali tires". (except if you're working for McLaren, they use a different terminology ;-) )

I watch F1 races usually with French commentary, but French is only my 3rd language, so I could be totally wrong here :)
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 146 days ago
We actually had an update to the French translation today. Is this what you are commenting on? Was this changed?
medal 5002 Super Mod
7 years 146 days ago
We actually had an update to the French translation today. Is this what you are commenting on? Was this changed?

I was commenting on Jean Martin's post, but I assume your question is meant for Jean and not for me?
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 146 days ago
That's correct, I was asking Jean about whether his comment was on the update. Perhaps I should put him and the guy who did some modifications in touch to settle the matter. :)
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