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Translations Feedback Thread

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medal 5000
7 years 260 days ago
Hi Jack,

I'm sorry I'm not sure where you want me to check the use of "Usine", excepted on the Menu of course. In Finances I can see "Siège", which could also be replaced by "Usine". May be this was what you were expected to.

In addition, also in Finances tab, there's a button "History". There's a mistake, the right translation is "Historique". You also can take a look on the speed unit: My opinion is that "KPH" could be replaced by "KMH", buy may be this will work for French users only.

Finally, when you'll have time, you'll can apply some translations on the Race viewer. Thanks for your time!

@Mathias: Pour toi, "Bâtiments" a plus de sens que "Usine", c'est ça ?
medal 5000
7 years 260 days ago

@Mathias: Pour toi, "Bâtiments" a plus de sens que "Usine", c'est ça ?

Exactement, car tout simplement, ce ne sont pas des usines mais des bâtiments. Même si ces bâtiments produisent des choses (le bâtiment conception qui produire des points est une Usine) mais le bâtiment "bureaux et accueil" (qui Augmente le moral du personnel) ne peut pas être une Usine. D'où le terme "bâtiment" qui est plus général et correspond à tout

+1 for some translations on the Race viewer!
medal 5000
7 years 260 days ago
Hi, I'm from Indonesia
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

"pertandingan" isn't racing term, it only work in football or basketball. It should be replaced with "balapan"
For the "29 laps", it should be replaced with "29 lap" because in Indonesian the plurals no need to adding s/es

For "Perekonomian bahan bakar" and "Perekonomian ban", actually, i've never heard it before in my life. You can just replaced "perekonomian bahan bakar" (fuel) with "konsumsi bahan bakar" and for "Perekonomian ban" (tyre) with "daya tahan ban"

"Ban sangat halus" should be replaced with "ban super lunak"
"Ban halus" should be replaced with "ban lunak"
"Ban sedang" should be replaced with "ban medium"
medal 5000
7 years 260 days ago

"Pengemudi" is actually for the driver who driving ordinary car, for the racing term should be "Pembalap"
"Karyawan" should be replaced with "Staf" because media in Indonesia use it.

"Pemindahan" should be replaced with "Transfer"

Just replaced "Posisi Tiang" with "Pole Position". Indonesia people always use "Pole Position", so you dont need to translate it".
medal 5000
7 years 255 days ago
In french , in cars categorie its "développement" and not "evaluation " thank you jack
medal 5000
7 years 255 days ago
Hi Jack, I'm kinda new to the game and my native language is spanish. I've seen several mistakes and I thought I could help. Hit me up if you'd like some help
medal 5000
7 years 255 days ago

@Mathias: Pour toi, "Bâtiments" a plus de sens que "Usine", c'est ça ?

Exactement, car tout simplement, ce ne sont pas des usines mais des bâtiments. Même si ces bâtiments produisent des choses (le bâtiment conception qui produire des points est une Usine) mais le bâtiment "bureaux et accueil" (qui Augmente le moral du personnel) ne peut pas être une Usine. D'où le terme "bâtiment" qui est plus général et correspond à tout

+1 for some translations on the Race viewer!

Ben en fait l usine comprend les bureaux et autres batiments
On dit toujours l usine de viry chatillon pour renault or il y a bien des bureaux et autres d'ou ce nom d' usine
medal 5000
7 years 251 days ago (edited 7 years 251 days ago)

Moteur and not Moteurs

Pilotes de réserve and not Réserver les pilotes

With a 0 or an 1, there isn't "s" at the end of the words

Succès and not Réalisations

Pole positions and not Positions des Pôles

Doublés and not Doubles

Grand Chelem or Hat-tricks but not Triples

Tours les plus rapides and not Les plus rapides

Abandons and not Retraites

vous quitterez votre ancienne ligue and not "vous laisserez votre ancienne"

After these corrections, the french in the game will be perfect ;p
medal 5000
7 years 249 days ago (edited 7 years 249 days ago)

Hauteur du châssis and Niveau des ailerons
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 249 days ago
Hi Jean, thanks for the great feedback. A couple of questions.

"Succès and not Réalisations" - wasn't someone else saying Trophees for this? "Success" seems like an odd word when we're trying to describe "Achievements". I haven't found a translation that I am happy with yet to change that.


Hauteur du châssis and Niveau des ailerons

Please could you clarify how the following lines should be modified (if at all) to match this?

 Et les niveaux des ailes sont beaucoup trop bas.
 Et les niveaux des ailes sont un peu trop bas.
 Et les niveaux d'aile sont justes.
 Et les niveaux des ailes sont un peu trop élevés.
 Et les niveaux des ailes sont beaucoup trop élevés.
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 249 days ago
Hi Jack, I'm kinda new to the game and my native language is spanish. I've seen several mistakes and I thought I could help. Hit me up if you'd like some help

Please post anything obvious like Jean has done, that is the best way to do it. It makes it very easy for me to change. If there are much bigger mistakes though, I could send you the translation files directly for updates.
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 249 days ago
Hi, I'm from Indonesia
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

Thanks also for the detailed feedback.


"pertandingan" isn't racing term, it only work in football or basketball. It should be replaced with "balapan"

I replaced all instances across the game, of which there were hundreds. I hope this would apply, as I understood "balapan" means "race" and would be more appropriate in all contexts.


For "Perekonomian bahan bakar" and "Perekonomian ban", actually, i've never heard it before in my life. You can just replaced "perekonomian bahan bakar" (fuel) with "konsumsi bahan bakar" and for "Perekonomian ban" (tyre) with "daya tahan ban"

As I interpret these translations, correct me if I'm wrong, you're altering the phrase from "Fuel economy" to "Fuel consumption" - this has been suggested before by other people too in other languages, but each time I say this could confuse people. Since a higher value would imply more fuel consumption (poorer economy). The phrase must imply that a higher value = less fuel consumption.

Would you consider revisions to that and the phrase for tyres in light of this new perspective?

I have implemented all other changes from all suggestions on this page, other than those I questioned.
medal 5000
7 years 249 days ago

As I interpret these translations, correct me if I'm wrong, you're altering the phrase from "Fuel economy" to "Fuel consumption" - this has been suggested before by other people too in other languages, but each time I say this could confuse people. Since a higher value would imply more fuel consumption (poorer economy). The phrase must imply that a higher value = less fuel consumption.

Would you consider revisions to that and the phrase for tyres in light of this new perspective?

I have implemented all other changes from all suggestions on this page, other than those I questioned.

Sorry jack, I just realised that. How about "Konservasi bahan bakar" (Fuel conservation)? I think the phrase has meaning higher value = less fuel consumption.
For the tyre, I still recommend "Daya tahan ban" (tyre durability) because when it has higher value = it increase tyre durabilty
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 248 days ago
I've applied those suggestions now to the Indonesian translation.
medal 5000
7 years 242 days ago
Succès is much better

Et les niveaux des ailerons sont beaucoup trop bas.
Et les niveaux des ailerons sont un peu trop bas.
Et les niveaux d'ailerons sont justes.
Et les niveaux des ailerons sont un peu trop élevés.
Et les niveaux des ailerons sont beaucoup trop élevés.

Oh, and we say Réparation des monoplaces and not Voiture de réparation
medal 5000
7 years 230 days ago

1st=1er ou 1ère for a woman
Do you understand? ^^

And why Niveau XP? Just XP no?
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
Hi you guys,

First of all you did a great job with the game!

I'm a german player who recently downloaded it and loves the challenge :)

Straight to the point, I've noticed some untranslated texts and notes in the game for the german tongue and since you are a small publisher with few employees, i'd like to offer my help.

I'm very passionate about F1 and gaming is also a hobby of mine, so if my help is appreciated please let me know!!

I'm looking forward hearing from you
medal 5000
7 years 208 days ago
That's very good that we can switch to hungarian language. :) Thanks a lot!!!
medal 5000
7 years 208 days ago
Hungarian language forum is called "Magyar fórum".
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 208 days ago
Hi everybody! I thought that i can make a hungarian translation for this game. What do you think, would it be useful?

Hah, I didn't see this until now. Funny that we were working on it at the same time. :) The forum thread was made by a user, but I will rename it.
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