if u manufacter a engine can you u swap it back to the original engine u had in the car
No... A Guide to Engine Manufacturing
I've noticed that those who making own engines also making B teams and buy their own engines. The don't run the B team in any league just prevent the others to buy the engine.
In my opinion it should be like driver transfer. So the level 5 team should not able to buy a lvl22 teams engine to prevent this.
So you basically want some rando to have the ability to 'steal' a manufacturer's engine. Something they worked hard at getting, either by clicking and watching countless ads or investing through tokens but yet can't do as they please with it.
Makes perfect sense ?.
So when you buy something is stealing.
Right. Any more stupid conclusions?
What I say is that the whole engine to buy process is pointless like this.
I manufacturer my engine, then 'you' a total rando comes and 'buys' my engine without my consent. Doesn't that make you a thief?
Do you like stealing?
You don't understand me. Until the game let the players to buy customer engine it should be fine regardless if it's a good in the game or not. I think to make a B team, and buy your A team engine and but not running the B team in any league is kind of a play a loophole. And that can be called cheating. Do you like cheating?
Anyway all I've done was to mansion a mention a common case in the game. I use stock engines, not interested to buy customer engine or develop my own at the moment. Just noticed that while I was surfing leagues and players.
Stop doubling down on nonsense.